Marketing Team Application Skip to main content

Marketing Team Application


The Marketing Team consists of Executive Directors and Team Members who work together to motivate BYU students to participate in meaningful service opportunities.

The Marketing Team consists of four committees:

  • Creative: Passionate about graphic design and learning the Adobe Suite? Creative integrates current student employees and volunteers to expand the capabilities of the Graphic Designer, Photographer and Videographer roles. Student employees will oversee volunteers who assist them in providing professional marketing resources for each program and Y-Serve in general.
  • Public Relations/Events: Love working with people and connecting with students? The PR committee is responsible for maintaining contacts with each college, department, and campus organization. They are also responsible for hosting and/or attending promotional events
  • Social Media: Curious about social media strategy and design? The Social Media committee is tasked with posting and managing content on social media channels. They oversee program pages and work with the Strategy Team in assisting programs in social media strategy.
  • Strategy: Interested in data analytics and marketing strategy? Strategy is responsible for collecting data in order to advise programs and the Center for Service and Learning (Y-Serve) on the adjustment of marketing strategies and campaigns. They develop a marketing strategy for Y-Serve and oversee the data collected to unlock the potential that your program has.


  • Marketing Y-Serve to the BYU Student Body.
  • Supporting 250+ executive and program directors by consulting them in advertising and marketing techniques for their individual programs.
  • Specializing in a committee (creative, public relations/events, social media or strategy) and combining efforts with the entire team to plan, coordinate and outline events.
  • Provide every student a meaningful service opportunity, instilling in their hearts a desire to serve.
  • Abiding by and supporting the policies and procedures of BYU and Y-Serve.
  • Committing approximately 3-5 hours per week (including weekly coordination meetings) to completing the responsibilities listed and others, as assigned.


  • Enrollment: Every applicant must be a continuing student (enrolled as a full-time student Fall/Winter) at the time of application and during their time as a Marketing Team Member.
  • Academic: Applicants must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Honor Code and Dress Code: All applicants must be cleared through an Honor Code check and commit to support and uphold the University’s Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards.
Student leadership positions at BYU are reserved for full-time, matriculated students. (Part-time and FlexGE students are welcome to participate in all service programs, clubs, activities and events.) Will you be enrolled as a matriculated, full-time student during the time you are planning to be on the Marketing Team?
When will you be available to serve? (Please check all that apply.)
Do you have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and are you willing to maintain it?
Are you willing to commit to uphold the University's Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards?
Which part of the Marketing Team would be your first choice?
Which part of the Marketing Team would be your second choice?
Please list three days and times you would be available for an interview with the Marketing Manager.
Please answer the following questions:
As a Marketing Team member, I agree to fulfill the responsibilities listed above. I also declare that I meet the above qualifications.
I authorize the verification of my academic and Honor Code status for the purpose of completing Y-Serve's volunteer application.