Learning Outcomes, Vision, Mission, and Overview

The Center for Service and Learning (Y-Serve) supports the fourth Aim of a BYU Education, “lifelong learning and service,” by coordinating service opportunities in the local community for BYU students.
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In order to fulfill this mission, Y-Serve offers over 70 community service programs, which serve individuals who have cognitive or physical disabilities, children and the elderly, at-risk children, and provide humanitarian service. Some of these programs originate in Y-Serve, but many of them are aligned with non-profit agencies in the community, such as Habitat for Humanity, Community Action, and Best Buddies. Each community service program is administered by student leaders, all of whom are volunteers.
Through Y-Serve, 17,000 BYU students volunteered 50,000 hours of service during the 2023-2024 school year. The IndependentSector.org website values each hour of volunteer service at $33.49. Consequently, the economic impact of those hours of service is estimated to be over $1.68 million.