Red Cross Services & Blood Drives
What is Red Cross Services and Blood Drives?
The Red Cross program exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Our volunteers have the exceptional opportunity to provide care through the following:
Community Outreach
We make it a priority to help our community in any way possible while making everyone's health and safety our number one goal.
Virtual service opportunities
We are implementing a handful of online service opportunities including:
- Missing Maps: We map vulnerable communities around the world to help first responders locate and deliver lifesaving aid.
- Disaster training: Over Zoom review disaster training materials together.
- Disaster recovery: Train to provide casework services remotely.
Biomedical Services
We encourage our volunteers to get involved with the Red Cross Blood Donation program.
Blood Donation
Blood Drives is a program that allows volunteers to assist donors before and after giving blood. Volunteers also help recruit new donors and advertise for upcoming drives.
Volunteer Services
Volunteers can help teach virtual EDGE Skill training courses.
Missing Maps Project
Missing Maps works to put the World's Vulnerable Communities on the Map.
Each year, disasters around the world kill nearly 100,000 and affect or displace 200 million people. Many of the places where these disasters occur are literally 'missing' from open and accessible maps and first responders lack the information to make valuable decisions regarding relief efforts. Missing Maps is an open, collaborative project in which you can help map areas where humanitarian organizations are trying to meet the needs of people at risk of disasters and crises.
How do I get involved?
Look here to see when the next blood drive is!
Volunteer Description: Volunteers serve in various capacities and responsibilities may vary.
Volunteer Commitment: Come to our bi-monthly meetings held every 2nd & 4th Wednesday night at 7pm in the Eyring Science Center C255.
Join our email list so you can hear about all of our service projects and events coming up!
You can sign up for your first blood donation appointment here, or go to and use the campus code "byucampus" to see available times. Drives are held in the WSC so you don't have to travel off campus to donate.
If using your phone:
1.) Download the MapSwipe app here.
2.) Go through the quick tutorial about marking the maps with green, yellow, and red squares.
3.) Choose a project and start validating map data.
If using your laptop
1.) Go to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Tasking Manager at and create a login.
2.) Go to and sign in using that same login you created on OpenStreetMap. Begin by exploring and selecting a project.
- When you are done mapping, please make sure to log your hours for the Red Cross program using the Y-Serve feature on the BYU app.
For more information than what is listed above, contact the program directors by email at
Volunteer Leader Description: There are two kinds of leadership positions: Lead Program Director and Program Director. A program only has one Lead Program Director, but multiple Program Directors. Leaders are generally responsible for overseeing recruitment, retention, and reflection with volunteers. They also coordinate service with community partners and ensure their program runs smoothly. Volunteer leaders may also share the responsibilities of volunteers as outlined in the Volunteer Description. For more information, visit our section called Be a Leader!
Volunteer Leader Commitment: In addition to volunteering, Volunteer leaders commit to a 1-hour monthly team meeting to discuss needs and make plans for the program.
Step 1:
Apply to become a leader by completing the application below:
Contact Info
I'm glad to be a part of blood drives because BYU is the #1 institution in Utah for blood donations. Way to go, Cougars!
One of my favorite activities we did last year was help with a disaster shelter simulation at UVU's UCCU center. We were able to help prepare the community in case a disaster ever happens in the future in the area. We set up about 500 cots, checked families in, and helped direct them to preparedness workshops and a good meal. It was a huge event! I loved interacting with all the people who came and it was interesting to learn how a Red Cross shelter works!