Follow this short video tutorial to learn how to report stats
*Remember, stats are due before the 10th of the next month*
(Keep scrolling for step-by-step instructions of how to submit statistics)
Use this link to view the submitted volunteer hours for your program. Use that number to fill out the reported hours section in the Qualtrics statistics survey found here.
Step 1: Use this link to view the hours volunteers have submitted for your program.
- Click log/view hours in the top left corner.
- Enter the log in information by clicking on the Admin Login link at the bottom of the page. The login name is your program name exactly as it appears on the website.
- Filter the 'start date' to be the first day of the month for which you are reporting.
- Filter the 'end' date to be the last day of the month for which you are reporting.
- You'll use these numbers in step two!
Step 2: Use this link to report monthly statistics in the Qualtrics Survey
- Select your program
- Select the year
- Select the month for which you are reporting stats
- Report the total reported number of unique volunteers (as found in step one under 'people who have served')
- Report the total reported volunteer hours (as found in step one under 'total hours')
- Report the total reported acts of service as found in step one under 'acts of service')
- Report your best estimate of the number of unique volunteers (how many people attended your events?)
- Report your best estimate of the volunteer hours
- Report your best estimate of the acts of service
- Report if your program has any events in the upcoming month. This is so important to include in your statistics submission, so that the office is aware of what is going on for your program (and also a good reason to submit your statistics at the very beginning of the month). Please include the event name, date, time, and location.
- If you'd like marketing/advertising help for an event, please fill out the marketing request form. The marketing team will reach out to you to help coordinate marketing efforts: taking over the Y-Serve Instagram, designing flyers, designing posters, ideas for booths, and so much more!
- Select whether your program is in need of more volunteers
- Selects whether your program is in need of more program directors
- Submit!