What is Kids on the Move?
Kids on the Move empowers families in complex circumstances by providing their children and caregivers with access to essential and comprehensive support, education, and therapies that are vital for development. This breathes hope back into their lives today and lays a foundation for a thriving tomorrow.
KOTM has five pillar programs volunteers can support through service: Autism Center, Early Head Start, Early Intervention, Preschool & Childcare, and Respite Care.
Volunteers are the heartbeat of Kids on the Move. So much of what we do would not be possible without the support of so many dedicated individuals in our community.

How do I get involved?
Kids on the Move has many volunteer opportunities. From caring for children with special needs to helping maintain our playgrounds, there are many ways to give and make a difference.
We especially need volunteers for KOTM’s Respite Care program, which is an opportunity for volunteers to spend time with children with special needs!
Step 1: Complete Y-Serve's sign-up survey
Step 2: Visit the Kids On The Move Volunteer Portal to create a user account and sign up for any opportunity labeled "Respite." You will find this link at the end of Y-Serve's survey in step 1.
Contact Info
I think that all the experiences I have in my program are meaningful because I get to help make little kids smile. But one week this semester we had 12 volunteers show up (which is a ton) and the volunteers almost outnumbered the children we were serving. That day was awesome because it was cool to see how many people are willing to give up four hours of their night on a random school night to serve others.
I look forward to volunteering at Kids on the Move. It has broadened my perspective on life. It's cool how simple volunteering is for me but it's so beneficial for these families.
Volunteering for KOTM’s Respite Care program changed my life forever. It gave me a new perspective on the struggle of some families and the gratitude they feel for Kids on the Move. It has also helped me realize how much I love kids. I'm now thinking about changing my career to be more child focused!
Volunteering with Kids on the Move made me look at the world differently and better understand how kids' brains work.
I felt grateful for my life and grateful to serve!
I love volunteering with Y-Serve and KOTM and being able to help these families and kids through the struggles they face everyday. This semester I was able to volunteer directly a few times and specifically had some siblings come in one day, all with disabilities. We watched all 3 of them for those 4 hours and while their parents were so excited to see them when they came to pick them up, they looked refreshed and rejuvenated after having some time to relax without their kids and the kids had a great time too! All in all, it was a win.