Medallion Manor
What is Medallion Manor?
BYU Medallion Manor is a program where a group of volunteers make visits every other week to Medallion Manor, homes for adults with special needs in South Provo and Springville. Some of our more common activities include game nights, crafting, and open visiting (where you can talk and get to know the residents through stories, games, music, dancing, whatever you would like).

How do I get involved?
Volunteer Description: Volunteers will interact with adults with special needs by participating in various activities and crafts.
Volunteer Commitment: You don't have to put in a designated amount of hours, but we hope that once you have met our sweetheart residents, you will be eager to spread the word and join us week after week!
Step 1:
Contact the program directors at
Find us on Facebook and Instagram at @byumedallionmanor
Volunteer Leader Description: There are two kinds of leadership positions: Lead Program Director and Program Director. A program only has one Lead Program Director, but multiple Program Directors. Leaders are generally responsible for overseeing recruitment, retention, and reflection with volunteers. They also coordinate service with community partners and ensure their program runs smoothly. Volunteer leaders may also share the responsibilities of volunteers as outlined in the Volunteer Description. For more information, visit our section called Be a Leader!
Volunteer Leader Commitment: In addition to volunteering, Volunteer leaders commit to a 1-hour monthly team meeting to discuss needs and make plans for the program.
Step 1:
Apply to become a leader by completing the application below:
Contact Info
Visiting Medallion Manor is my favorite part of the week, hands down! I've made friends with so many wonderful people and I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had there for the world. Medallion is the best!