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Service to the World

About Service to the World
Get Involved
Contact Info

What is Service to the World?

Service to the World" embodies the epitome of humanitarianism, uniting diverse stakeholders in a collective mission to alleviate suffering and foster resilience on a global scale. Through strategic partnerships with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and a steadfast commitment to personalized care, this program serves as a beacon of hope in communities ravaged by adversity. From writing heartfelt notes of encouragement to children in seven different languages to meticulously boxing up essential items for women and their families to be shipped overseas, every act is infused with a sense of care and compassion. Together, with esteemed partners like Lifting Hands International, it stands at the forefront of a global movement toward a more just, equitable, and compassionate world, where every individual, regardless of circumstance, has the opportunity to thrive and flourish.


How do I get involved?


Volunteer Description: Volunteers participate in a wide range of activities to provide resources to those in need.

Volunteer Commitment: Volunteers are needed for a variety of events throughout the year. During Spring and Summer Terms, volunteers will be helping at the Lifting Hands International warehouse in American Fork every Wednesday Night from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. A carpool is available that leaves at 6:30 - if you're interested, please text Amanda at (801) 349-8701.

Step 1:

Students interested in getting involved should fill out this form.

For questions, please text (not call) one of the program directors listed on the Contact Info tab, or send an email to
ting to discuss needs and make plans for the program.


Available by email at

Amanda Bywater

(801) 349-8701
Office Hour: Tuesdays 8:00-9:00 AM

Spencer Gardner

(801) 960-0727

Sarah Horsley

(385) 302-0775