Stop and Serve
What is Stop and Serve?
Volunteers work on small service projects at the Stop and Serve bar in 2330 WSC. Stop and Serve serves the local non-profit community and overseas agencies. Stop in anytime from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except during devotionals (Tuesdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.). Come and serve whenever you can for however long you can!
Current Service opportunities include:
- letter writing for veterans
- loom hat making—the finished hats are donated to Lifting Hands International
- Creating educational folders
- Coloring paper bookmarks
How do I get involved?
Volunteer Description: Volunteers participate in various craft service projects in the Y-Serve Office.
Volunteer Commitment: You can serve entirely on your own schedule. Volunteers sometimes stop by for just a few minutes or stay for several hours. You can take up a project and leave it for someone else to finish, or finish what someone else has started.
Step 1:
Participate in our ongoing service projects found in room 2330 WSC office anytime from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM! Office closed during devotional. For those in groups, you are free to stop by and work on projects during office hours, but we are not able to provide supplies for events.
Contact Info
I love serving in Stop and Serve because I know I can still make an impact in the community while navigating a super busy schedule this semester. I love the variety of projects and I always leave the Y-Serve office feeling rested, rejuvenated, and ready to take on anything else my day will bring!
I love that I can do something good with just a few minutes of my day.
I love coming to stop and serve. It helps me take a break from the busyness of life, and serving here has helped me to manage my time better!
I felt like stop and serve gave me a moment to stop and reflect. It was a nice break from studying and made my spirit feel brighter.
I joined the Stop and Serve leadership about a year ago and have loved my experience with it! My favorite thing has been the opportunity to get to know so many people that seek to serve others despite their busy school, work, and social schedules! It's really a neat thing to see what people will sacrifice to help bring joy and service to others, makes my heart happy :)
As I’ve served at Stop & Serve, I’ve been able to take time to relax and take a break from all the business of life. Doing this has helped me manage my time better this semester!