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What is Conexiones?

Conexiones is a Tutoring Program focused on working specifically with Hispanic/Latino Students who are learning English as a second language in our community. We offer a home tutoring program, where we pair tutors up and send them to work with students and their families directly at home, as well as a school tutoring program, where students work 1 on 1 with elementary school students at Provo Peaks elementary school. Tutoring consists of homework/classwork help, working on developing reading comprehension, and other help as needed depending on the individual students and their needs.

Home Visits: Volunteers go in pairs to tutor and read with Spanish and Portuguese-speaking families in their homes.

Provo Peaks Elementary: Volunteers are paired with English language learners who struggle to read in English. Duties depend on the individual needs of each struggling student.


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How do I get involved?

Volunteer Description

Volunteers are served as tutors in either a Home or Elementary School setting. Tutoring includes but is not limited to: Helping with homework/classwork, developing reading comprehension in English, learning English vocabulary and anything else that the students need. Needs vary from student to student, and tutors are responsible for coming up with how best to serve the students and their families.

Time Commitment

Home Tutoring:

Volunteers will be paired up with a partner, and together will communicate with each individual family to schedule weekly visits. Volunteers are expected to visit at least once a week for about an hour.

School Tutoring:

Volunteers will sign up for at least one weekly time slot to visit the elementary school classroom. Time slots are about 30 minutes each.

How to Sign Up

Step 1:

Please fill out this survey.

Step 2: Please complete a mandatory 25 minute minor protection training: If you are currently employed on BYU campus and have a workday profile, please access the training through this link. If you are not a BYU employee and/or do not have a workday profile please send an email to and give them your full name, netid, and request access to the survey. You should receive an email in a few days with the link to the training.

Step 3:

Please fill out this request to receive a Background Check.
The background check will typically take about 1 week to be processed. Please look for an email from TrueScreen saying that it has been cleared, after which we will reach out to you with further steps. Your honor code standing will also be checked.

Contact Info


Available by email at

Ben Ivins, Lead Program Director

Office Hour: Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00 PM

Tanner Day


Elaina Marriott


Truman Pugsley


Evan Sant


Logan Smith


Cole Bourne
