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About Conexiones
Get Involved
Contact Us

*This program is not currently running but will resume in fall semester*

What is Conexiones?

Conexiones connects Hispanics to the community by facilitating improved English reading and appreciation within Latino families. Spanish-speaking ability is helpful but not necessary!

Home Visits: Volunteers go in pairs to tutor and read with Spanish and Portuguese-speaking families in their homes.

Provo Peaks Elementary: Volunteers are paired with English language learners who struggle to read in English. Duties depend on the individual needs of each struggling student.


How do I get involved?


Volunteer Description: Volunteers will be teaching English to Spanish-speaking families in their homes or at Provo Peaks Elementary School.

Volunteer Commitment: For home visits, Volunteers will visit their families once a week on average. Volunteers at Provo Peaks Elementary will sign up for a weekly 30-minute slot.

Step 1:

Send an email and express your interest to the program directors at to get involved.

Step 2:

Please complete this mandatory 25-minute Minor Protection Training before you begin working with the children at school or in the home.

Step 3:

If you'd like to tutor students in the home, you will also need to fill out a BYU Background check before volunteering. Please follow this link and find the "Background Check Request form" to get started. Honor code standing will also be checked.


Available by email at

Ben Ivins, Executive Director

(801) 793-0429
Office Hour: (Not Running Spring and Summer)

Anna Ames

(720) 757-4163

Tanner Day

(480) 636-9528

Elaina Marriott

(818) 862-0513

Logan Smith

(512) 579-7806